Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Oracle Bot Cloud (IBCS): Voice based coversation

Problem Description: In this blog we are trying to enhance our web chatbot ui created in previous blog and add voice features.

Idea here is to send text message to Bot and receive only text messages but before sending convert user voice (speech) to text and again when we receive and message from bot server play it as audio.

There are few options available to convert voice and text. In this blog we are going to use
1. Speech to Text:  webkitSpeechRecognition api of browser
2. Text to Speech: speechSynthesis api of browser

Lets take our previous chatbot UI created in blog and enhance it for voice support.

Now we can follow below steps
1. Add a button to initiate voice chatting
<oj-button id="start_button" on-oj-action="[[startVoiceChat]]">Start Voice Chat</oj-button>
Now add corresponding code in appcontroller.js
self.startVoiceChat = function(event){

NOTE: I am using oracle jet so I use oj-button. Point is we have to call listenUserVoice method on button click.

2. Add speak method in app.js. This method will provide audio to text message. It will also callback once meassage reading is finished.

function speak(text, onendcallback){
    var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
     msg.text = text;
        msg.onend = onendcallback;


3. Add listenUserVoice method also in app.js. This method reconizes user voice and converts it to text. It also calls bots sendmessage or triggerpostback depending on situation.

function listenUserVoice(){
    var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
            recognition.continuous = false;
            recognition.interimResults = true;

            recognition.onstart = function() {
                recognizing = true;

            recognition.onend = function() {
                recognizing = false;

            recognition.onresult = function(event) {
                console.log("recognition-onresult" + event);

              var interim_transcript = '';
              if (typeof(event.results) == 'undefined') {
                recognition.onend = null;
              for (var i = event.resultIndex; i < event.results.length; ++i) {
                if (event.results[i].isFinal) {
                  final_transcript += event.results[i][0].transcript;
                } else {
                  interim_transcript += event.results[i][0].transcript;


                console.log("User said: " + final_transcript);
                var totalMsg = Bots.getConversation().messages.length;
                if(Bots.getConversation().messages[totalMsg-1] && Bots.getConversation().messages[totalMsg-1].actions){
                var actions = Bots.getConversation().messages[totalMsg-1].actions.filter(function(action){
                    return action.text === final_transcript; //Improve it by performing case insensitive matching
                if(actions && actions[0]){
                    Bots.triggerPostback(actions[0]._id).then(function() {
                   Bots.sendMessage(final_transcript).then(function() {
                            console.log("normal message");

                  recognizing = false;


            if (recognizing) {
            final_transcript = '';

4. Now modify displayServerMessage method to call listenUserVoice method so that system automatically starts taking user message after providing any information.

function displayServerMessage(message) {
            var conversationElement = document.getElementById('conversation');
            var messageElement = document.createElement('li');
            var text = 'Server says "' + message.text + '"';
            messageElement.innerText = text;

            if(message.actions && message.actions.length > 0){
                var wrapperElement = document.createElement('div');
                for(var i = 0; i < message.actions.length; i++){
                    var action = message.actions[i];
                    var btnElement = createButtonElement(action);

            speak(text, listenUserVoice);

Thats all.

Oracle Bot Cloud (IBCS): Custom UI

Problem Description: In this blog I would be going over various options to build a web UI for IBCS chat bot.

By default IBCS provides two sdks to build web UI for Chatbot. We can download those sdks from under heading Bots Client SDK

We can follow link to find out how to use these SDKs.

Widget is very cool and rich but still at times you want to build your own custom UI instead of widget. To do that you can follow

In this blog I am trying to enhance that code to handle postback requests. Also this blog will help me in my next blog to achieve voice based conversation.

1. Add below code in html
 <div id="no-display" style="display:none;"></div>
       <p>User ID: <span id="user-id"></span></p>
       <ul id="conversation"></ul>
    <input type="text" id="text-input" placeholder="text">

<script src="js/app.js"></script>

2. Add app.js inside js directory. It can have following code
    function s(){try{var e;if((e="string"==typeof this.response?JSON.parse(this.response):this.response).url){var n=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],r=t.createElement("script");r.async=!0,r.src=e.url,n.parentNode.insertBefore(r,n)}}catch(e){}}var o,p,a,i=[],c=[];e[n]={init:function(){o=arguments;var e={then:function(t){return c.push({type:"t",next:t}),e},catch:function(t){return c.push({type:"c",next:t}),e}};return e},on:function(){i.push(arguments)},render:function(){p=arguments},destroy:function(){a=arguments}},e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__=function(t){if(delete e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__,e[n]=t,o)for(var r=t.init.apply(t,o),s=0;s<c.length;s++){var u=c[s];r="t"===u.type?r.then(}p&&t.render.apply(t,p),a&&t.destroy.apply(t,a);for(s=0;s<i.length;s++)t.on.apply(t,i[s])};var u=new XMLHttpRequest;u.addEventListener("load",s),"GET",r+"/loader.json",!0),u.responseType="json",u.send()
}(window,document,"Bots", "<Your-Bot-sdk-url>");

var appId = '<Your app id>';

        appId: appId, embedded: true
    }).then(function (res){
        console.log("init complete");



var inputElement = document.getElementById('text-input');
  inputElement.onkeyup = function(e) {
  if (e.key === 'Enter') {
    var totalMsg = Bots.getConversation().messages.length;
    if(Bots.getConversation().messages[totalMsg-1] && Bots.getConversation().messages[totalMsg-1].actions){
        var actions = Bots.getConversation().messages[totalMsg-1].actions.filter(function(action){
            return action.text === inputElement.value; //Improve it by performing case insensitive matching
            Bots.triggerPostback(actions[0]._id).then(function() {
                        inputElement.value = '';
       Bots.sendMessage(inputElement.value).then(function() {
                inputElement.value = '';

function displayUserMessage(message) {
            var conversationElement = document.getElementById('conversation');
            var messageElement = document.createElement('li');
            messageElement.innerText = + ' says "' + message.text + '"';

        function createButtonElement(action) {
            var btnElement = document.createElement('button');
            var btnTitle = document.createTextNode(action.text);
            btnElement.onclick = function(e){Bots.triggerPostback(action._id);};
            return btnElement;

    function displayServerMessage(message) {
            var conversationElement = document.getElementById('conversation');
            var messageElement = document.createElement('li');
            var text = 'Server says "' + message.text + '"';
            messageElement.innerText = text;

            if(message.actions && message.actions.length > 0){
                var wrapperElement = document.createElement('div');
                for(var i = 0; i < message.actions.length; i++){
                    var action = message.actions[i];
                    var btnElement = createButtonElement(action);
                isPostBackRequired = true;
                lastPostBackServerMsg = message;

  // display new messages
  Bots.on('message:sent', displayUserMessage);

  Bots.on('message:received', displayServerMessage);

1. Bot-sdk-url is url of your sdk directory. If you copy bot-sdk inside js directory as bot-client-sdk-js and server is running on port 8000, your bot-sdk-url would be http://localhost:8000/js/bots-client-sdk-js
2. app-id mentioned in above code is given on channels page of IBCS (once you register a web channel)

3. Input element in which user types message is enhanced to handle postBack message of user.
4. displayUserMessage function adds user typed message in list
5. displayServerMessage function adds server message in list. It also create appropriate buttons if server wants user to select one value.

UI is very crude but it gives you complete control to decorate it.

Now we have a very basic UI ready. My idea is to enhance it further and add voice feature to it in my Next blog.

Thats all in this blog.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Oracle Bot Cloud (IBCS): Switching Intents while in conversation (Nested Intent)

Problem Description: If we see IBCS flow generally tries to find user intent first. Once it identifies and intent, it tries to complete intent based on flow defined. There are all reasons that end user may want to switch his intent before completing first intent. For example, I am ordering pizza but while system asks me for pizza type, I decide to verify their payment options and I changed my intent. Something like below

Me: I would like to order a pizza
                   Bot: Which type of pizza would you like to have?

Me: Hold on, What are your payment options
In ideal conversation bot should provide me details of payment. Once payment options information is provided, it can ask me if I want to continue with Pizza order.

But in general we use either System.Text or System.List component when we want to take user input. This is the time when user can change his mind (or intent).

It looks like
    component: "System.List"
      options: "${pizzaType.type.enumValues}"
      prompt: "Which type of pizza would you like to have?"
      variable: "pizzaType"
    transitions: {}

with this state, bot will provide a list of pizza types (say small, medium or large). Now even if user changes his mind and asks about payment options, bot will ask pizza type again and again. Very annoying.

In this blog we want to make it a bit realistic and introduce intelligence of user intent switching.

Lets say we have following initial bot configuration

1. Intents: OrderPizza, ProvideInfo
2. Entity: PizzaType (Associated with OrderPizza Intent)

3. Dialog-Flow:

Its able to complete payment option enquiry and pizza order but if user tries to switch from OrderPizza intent to ProvideInfo, bot keeps on asking about pizza type as shown below

Now lets improve it to handle intent switching.
a. To stop bot asking for pizzaType repeatedly, we can introduce maxPrompts=1 with askPizzaType (System.List) component.

b. We can add cancel action with askPizzaType (System.List) component to perform a transition, if bot can't find pizzaType even after max number of attempts ( NOTE: here we have already set max attempt as 1, so user can only provide one input. If that is not small/medium/large, cancel transition will take place)
    component: "System.List"
      options: "${pizzaType.type.enumValues}"
      prompt: "Which type of pizza would you like to have?"
      variable: "pizzaType" 
      maxPrompts: 1
        cancel: "verifyIntentWhileOrderPizzaInProgress"    

c. verifyIntentWhileOrderPizzaInProgress can set uncompletedIntent in a variable and then perform an nlp intent-matching on user input. If its unresolved in NLP matching assume that user is trying to answer pizzaType question but some typo etc happened so lets take him back to askPizzaType.

    component: "System.SetVariable"
      variable: "uncompletedIntent"
      value: "OrderPizza"
    transitions: {}        
    component: "System.Intent"
      variable: "iResult2"
      confidenceThreshold: 0.4
        OrderPizza: "orderPizza"
        ProvideInfo: "provideInfo"
        unresolvedIntent: "askPizzaType"

d. Lets improve provideInfo state as well to handle uncompleted intent (OrderPizza). After providing information of payment option, verify if there is any uncompleted intent. If yes suggest to continue with that intent else done
    component: "System.Output"
      text: "We support credit card, debit card and cash on delivery. "
      keepTurn: true
       next: "isAnyIncompleteIntent"

e. Lets introduce few states to gracefully end conversation or ask for any pending intent completion.
    component: "System.ConditionEquals"
      variable: "uncompletedIntent"
      value: "OrderPizza"
        equal: "askToStartPizzaOrderAgain"
        notequal: "done"  
    component: "System.Output"
      text: "Lets continue with Pizza ordering."
      keepTurn: true
       next: "orderPizza"   
    component: "System.Output"
      text: "Is there any other way I can help you?"
       return: "done"

Complete flow looks like below

Effectively by above improvements in flow we are trying to enable user to switch intent while in between conversation.
After above change flow looks like this.
Thats all

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Oracle Cloud Bot Designer UI URL

Problem Description: This blog is just to remind me how to find bot designer UI. I recently created a bot cloud service. It created lots of services and it was really hard for me to find bot designer UI url.

Finally I could find it as shown in below dig.